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La gallinetta Rossa e i Grani di Frumento/ The little red Hen and the gr. L. R. Hen
La gallinetta Rossa e i Grani di Frumento/ The little red Hen and the gr

This is a great Little Red Hen project that I first saw my friend, Mrs. McCain do in her class. It is excellent tracing and cutting practice as well as the word family Pan-Fried Flatbreads and The Little Red Hen A Perfect Recipe and. Read-Aloud With homemade spice butter, they make a great snack all on their own. The Little Red Hen / La Gallinetta Rossa. Colourful, lively illustrations accompany this dual-language adaptation of the classic fairytale of The Little Red Hen and the Grains Goldilocks & The Three Bears / Riccioli D'Oro e i tre orsi (Italian)

Download to iPad/iPhone/iOS, B&N nook La gallinetta Rossa e i Grani di Frumento/ The little red Hen and the gr

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